What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Core Beliefs

We believe that there is only One God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, the Great I Am, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Father of Jesus, the giver of life.
That the Bible is the written Word of God and is for the church for instruction and correction, and for the world to lead it to salvation.
That the written Word of God is inspired - being God breathed and is therefore whole and true.  That there is only one Savior of mankind, and His name is Jesus of Nazareth - born of a virgin, crucified under Roman rule and resurrected by the power of God He ascended to the right hand of the Father and is returning one day for His church.
That one comes into a relationship with Jesus that leads to salvation by surrendering one's heart in faith to follow Him in obedience.  That surrender to Jesus, the Christ comes about through believing that He is Christ, repenting of our sins, being immersed in the ancient Biblical fashion, receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and living under the discipline of the Word of God and in the fellowship with His body the Church.
That the church is the body of Christ of which He is the head.
That the church is called to remember Christ around His table, hence when the Lord's people, on the Lord's Day, gather in the house dedicated to worship the Lord, that we gather around His table and remember Him.
Therefore, we offer the table so that each believer might do as instructed in God's Word and examine oneself and then participate.
That the Church is made up of those who follow Christ as His disciples by surrendering their hearts and minds, soul and strength to Him.
That the church has been sent by Christ into the whole world to proclaim the good news, baptizing and teaching to observe all things that Christ has given to us.
We have no conference, convention, or earthy ecclesiastical authority over us - only Christ and His word.
We see the unity of all believers in Christ upon the essential matters and the freedom of local congregations and individual Christians in matter of opinion.
Historically we follow the thoughts and process of the Restoration movement as an independent congregation, which is elder led and staff driven.
We have to creed but Christ; No name but the one given in Scripture; No book of doctrine but the Bible; No rule of faith and practice but the written Word of God.
 In faith - unity; in opinions - liberty; in al things - love.

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